
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

When looking back on this time in Africa, I don’t really know what to think or say about it. Our team has often talked about what it will be like to go back home. We’ve often talked about the things, people, and places we miss. Lately, I’ve not really been homesick for people or places, but I have started to think about the comforts of home. Like the luxuries of sleeping in a bed with sheets and a comforter, having air-condition wherever you go, eating a hot dog or a Krispy Kream doughnut, etc… But, the things I’ll miss about Africa aren’t the comforts, even though we could have had a lot worse living conditions. The things from here that I’ll miss are the things that we feel like we never have time to stop and gaze upon back home. Like, laying on the container outside at night and staring up to see the whole Milky Way, Orion, the scorpion, the 7 Sisters, and the Southern Cross in all their glory! Like watching the clouds roll over the mountains like waves crashing on the sand as the sun sets. Like standing outside in the rain as lighting flashes through the sky and the wind almost knocks you over. Like hiking the mountain and being able to hear baboons in the distance as we look towards South Africa and the River that divides the mountains of the two countries. Like watching Bryan kill spitting cobras with a spear! (Don’t have too many of those in my back yard back home!) Those are the comforts of His grace. Those are the things I’ll miss.

As for people, I definitely miss those back home. The other day a friend of ours asked me if I could keep doing this. I told him that at the end of this I’ll have been gone from home for almost 8 months. He then asked me that if I would keep doing it if I could see my family once a month. I wasn’t sure how to answer that one. So, I said yes, but eventually I’d want to become a doctor, so I’d have to leave for that. I do miss people from home, but the past couple days thinking about leaving here has really worn on me. This place has become my home, my family, and I know that there will be many tears shed knowing that there is the possibility that I’ll never see my brothers and sisters here again. I’m going to miss the kids that just want you to hold them. I’m going to miss the smiles of all these loved ones that have nothing. I’m going to miss playing soccer 3 days a week and laughing with the guys as they mess around on the pitch. I’m going to miss their laughs. I’m going to miss the heartfelt community that we live out with them every day. I’m going to miss goofing off with them, and just simply hanging out. I don’t think there’s ever been a dry moment with them. I just can’t put in to words what it’s going to be like to have to say goodbye to all those who have become my family, and there really aren’t words to help you understand how I’ll miss them.

Every time I post another blog I get a week closer to leaving. Thinking about leaving is definitely bittersweet, and I can’t really describe what I feel inside. All I know is I’m trying to spend my time here   taking advantage of every moment. It’s crazy how time flies by, and pretty soon this will be all over, but then again, maybe it’s all just begun!

I’ll soon be home, and EVERYONE will want to know how my trip was. I really don’t have an answer to that question, I might never have one. Wrapping up 8 months of your life in a couple sentences is not something I can do or care to pretend to be able to do. God rocked my box, I have new family members, and I can’t wait to see where this adventure in Him takes me. I guess that pretty much sums it up!

Peace Out!


5 responses to “The Things We Miss…”

  1. DUDE. Been reading blogs tonite and been so blessed.
    You share in these words an uncommon but absolutely beautifull struggle. I long in my heart as i read to pass through this again and again, which may seem starnge but…its true.
    I am preparing to say good bye to another team here my self. Dude want you to know I so look forward to some convos with you in houston.
    Love is the fufillment of the law. THAT is the answer to all of our questions.

    peace bru, stay in it.

  2. I think you did a good summation! God rocked you, I have a new family, the best is yet to come!

    I am praying for you! Thank you for being such an encouragement to me these past 7 month. I will miss reading these updates!


  3. “The comforts of His grace.” I like that. I like it a lot. And I especially like that it covers everything from star gazing to spitting cobras. You’ve experienced so much of God’s beautiful world, and every moment of it is just that, a comfort of His grace. Well said, Jon.

  4. You might find that people don’t have as many questions as you think… keep in mind all that we’ve experienced with you by reading your blogs! That was a weird thing for me is coming home expecting a million questions from the family, but every time I’d start a story they’d just say “yeah! I read that on your blog!” People have grace and will definitely try to understand. Don’t sweat it 🙂

  5. Jon,

    Wow! God has really rocked your world. I am so proud of you. God has done and is doing great things in your life and it is exciting to know that this is just the beginning of what He has in store for you. You are a changed young man and you will never be the same again. That is a good thing; for God has molded you into the man that will make a huge difference in this world. You will see things with the eyes of Jesus, you will hear things with the ears of Jesus, and you will feel things with the heart of Jesus! God is soooooooo good, Jon, and He has even more in store for you. I look forward to seeing you and talking with you when you get home. Thanks again, Jon, for being obedient to God’s calling in your life.

    Your Brother in Christ Jesus,