
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Pondering the
fact that in 3 weeks from today we’ll be boarding a plane heading for the
different world we used to be a part of isn’t easy. The past 7 months have been
full of adventure, surrender and brokenness, transformation, hardship,
misunderstandings, bitterness and forgiveness. They have been full of mountain
tops and valleys. They have been full of times where God broke out of the box
and became more real than ever before. And, undoubtedly, they have been the
best 7 months of my life so far.

The thought of
leaving brings me to think about the difference we’ve made while being here. As
I’ve always said, this trip hasn’t really ever been about Mexico or Africa, but
about what God was doing in us. But, in that process, and through His grace,
He’s used us to breathe life into a people that live under the slow killing
epidemic of oppression. We’ve seen His hand of healing, provision, love, grace,
and victory over darkness. We’ve encountered Jesus in the oppressed and the
oppressor, for no one is beyond Christ’s mighty hand of redemption. He’s used
us to wipe tears from beautiful faces, and speak truth into broken hearts. He’s
used us to awaken dormant dreams, and bring hope to the perishing. He’s used us
to teach kids what affection and love is by just playing with them. And in all
of this, we received healing from our pasts, we had truth spoken over us, and
our hopes and dreams were set ablaze within us.

I love
traveling, and I find airports amusing. Packing is definitely one of the best
parts of traveling because you know you’re getting ready to leave. As I pack
this time, the only things I care to take home are the memories of what God did
in this place. Most of my clothes and things will stay, and if some people
could fit in my pack, I would leave everything just to bring them. More than
leaving physical things, I know a piece of me will always remain here waiting
for my return.

As we leave
people, places, and things behind, we also leave the unchangeable mark of the
God the world silently cries out for. As we leave, we take with us an
experience that God used to forever change our lives. As we leave, we bring closure
to the Novas Project, a program that God specifically ordained for those who
got to live the experience.

I want to thank
Tag Thompson for pursuing the calling God had on his life for this program, as
well as all our leaders who stood beside us and ministered to us as God moved
amongst us. I also want to thank all those who supported us in any way, and all
of those who prayed for us over these last 7 months. I don’t know really what
you specifically prayed or when you did, but I can guarantee you that your
prayers were answered in one way or another. So, thank you!

As we get ready
to leave, we bring closure to a season in our lives, and walk into the
mysterious purpose God has for the next one.

God Bless you


3 responses to “The Things We Leave Behind…”

  1. You say closure to a season- but I’m not sure if it will close-out – but rather be a huge part of the paradigm in which you will forever life.

    And that is a good thing. Praying for you!


  2. rock on Jon! I can’t wait to see what this next season has in store for all of you guys. I’m glad this season was good for you – funny how it can be so hard and so good at the same time. Praise God for His blessings and involvement!

  3. Jon, I love you! A lot. In fact, I just said that out loud in the office and Jimmy agreed! Seriously, bro, I love your thoughts, love what God is doing in and through you, and love the LIFE I hear in your words. Do you realize how different you sound now than in Mexico? I can hear it even in your writing.