
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A few days ago we had to read through one of the gospels as a team and write down any commands or philosophies that a Christian should live by, and then write a summary of how a Christian should live based on what we just read. Our team was given the gospel of Mark, and after spending hours of studying the book as a team, we came to Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. We’ve been learning to live as radical followers of Jesus, and this part hit me like a 2×4 across the face! As Jesus was before the Sanhedrin, they tried to find fault in him, but they couldn’t! The witnesses’ testimonies didn’t even match up. But, the next part is what gets me. I can picture everything getting silent, the high priest walking up to him and asking, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus knows that the answer to that question will condemn him to his death, and yet even death won’t keep him from speaking the truth! So, in a clam voice he replies, “I am.”

Well, after reading the passage above, I was taken back to a verse we had read earlier. “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” I began to think of all the things I tell God I would give up for Him. That I would even die for Him if I had to, and I felt like God just called my bluff on all of that. Yeah, sure it would be easy to take a bullet in the head for Jesus. An immediate death isn’t much. But, would I be willing to be tortured and killed for this Man that I follow? I didn’t know if I could say that anymore, and it hurt me. In the moment would I go through it, or just walk away?!? Would I speak the truth even if it meant death?

It’s easy to sit in a church service and say “Amen” to these things when our pastors ask us if we would live that way, but maybe we need to drop the bluff and be honest with ourselves and God. Will our faith of eternity in heaven get us through the pain of giving up whatever He asks from us here on earth? It might not be death, but how about selling all your possessions, or giving away all the money in your bank account, trusting that God will provide for all your needs when you don’t have anything! God may never ask for these things, but if they’re not totally surrendered to God now, then how can we say that we’re denying ourselves and taking up or cross!

Jesus lived a radical life, He denied being God, and became fully human! We tend to leave that part out, because if we do, the God only has to be worshiped, and not followed! He lived by the Holy Spirit inside of Him, and was lead by the Father. We have the same Spirit and Father! Jesus wasn’t messing around when He told us that it would cost everything to follow Him! He set the perfect example, and we’re supposed to be living that out!

This is what I’ve learning through His word! This is the radical Jesus we’re following, and He’s calling us to be radical with Him, no matter the cost!



3 responses to “You really want me to take up a cross?”

  1. Jon,
    I am glad that you are drawing close to God and that you are encountering Him in a way that not many people ever do. God is asking each of us to take up our own cross and to follow after Him. I agree – taking a bullet in the head would be so much faster – we wouldn’t know what hit us – no pain, no suffering, just instant death. Bam, we’re dead and we’re with God. On the other hand, taking up that cross requires us to go through some stuff, some hurt and pain, some suffering and anquish, some trials and temptations, all for His sake. When we are able to do this, we learn to call upon Him and to rely upon Him. We learn to trust Him for all our needs and for everything. We learn to live for Him. That is what He desires of us – that we should live our lives for Him and that we should LOVE ONE ANOTHER! Know that God is with you, Jon, every step of the way. Take care and be safe. Please know that you are in my prayers daily. God Bless you.

    Your Brother in Christ Jesus,

  2. Jon,

    i’m so proud of you brother. We are praying for you and the entire team. Vance has been praying for you as well. I appreciate the word you brought with this message! We miss you and look forward to how seeing and hearing how God is continuing to mold you.
