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After a long week of traveling with Richard and the team, I’m finally back in Nsoko. I never thought I would consider this place home, and I’m still not sure if I do, but when I left Richard in Johannesburg this Saturday I felt that feeling you get on a road trip when you’re only a couple hours away from home and just want to get there. The whole ride back, which was close to six hours, all I wanted to do was be back in Nsoko, because for the first time I realized that it was the closest thing I had to home.

Things have definitely been getting better here, and I’ve really been dealing with where home really is, because honestly, I have no clue what to call home. I had a wise friend tell me that as you get older, and travel more, home becomes all over. “You’ll always be missing someone, somewhere in the world.” I’m really starting to grasp that concept.

We have a little over 3 months left here in Swaziland, and I never thought I would actually miss this place when I leave, but just like all my other expectations, I’ve been proven wrong once again. I guess home really isn’t about a place, but really about the people. In which case, I guess I’ll never be home until I get to heaven and have all of those people there with me, because while I’m still here there will always be someone, somewhere that I’m missing.

6 responses to “Home Sweet… Home?”

  1. Jon,

    Good to hear from you. Having traveled all over the world while I was in the U.S. Navy for 24 years, I can certainly understand about calling a place home. Trust in the Lord to guide you. You are so right, there is always someone in the world somewhere that you will be missing. Never forget that home is where your heart is, home is where your loved ones are, and home is wherever you lay your head down in peace at night. God Bless. Take Care. I look forward to seeing you in a few months.

    Your Brother in Christ,

  2. This is so true Jon and so well said. I’m so pumped to be in Heaven with ALL my family one day 😀 You continue to be in my prayers! Keep up the good work!

  3. agreed! I now have a home in Arkansas, Colorado, Texas, and Georgia. But since you guys are in Swazi, I kinda feel like home is there, too. Oh, I can’t wait until the day we really are all together and we are finally home…forever. What a promise to look forward to!

  4. Jon,
    : ) I just love this post. I have so many places I can call home too, but my real home is in Heaven. And I am so stoked!
    Keep trusting Him, and walking with Him.
    God Bless!

  5. I’m glad things are getting better Jon. I’m proud of you brother. Can’t wait to see you in a week!