
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We were asked to write a blog about how we felt before leaving on this mission trip. Here is what I’m expecting…
Before I start writing all the things I’m expecting, let me just say that it’s been hard to think of all the things I want and expect God to do over this next season in my life. I’ve been watiting for Him to do something in me that will change me forever, but I don’t know what that will be. I know that He’s going to do this something during the Novas Project, and that’s why I’m so excited about His calling in my life to be a part of this program! God gave some scripture to get me through this time of waiting, and I just wanted to share it with you guys. Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace that transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
My Expectations:
-I expect to be so transformed by Christ love, that my relationship with Him now won’t even begin to compare with what it will be when I get back home.
-I expect to be humbled to the point of a life of brokeness for Him.
-I expect to learn to be extremely flexible and willing to do whatever God asks of me. I know this process will be frustrating and stressful at times because I like to have a plan, but I know that God works outside and beyond our plans.
-I expect to get homesick and have an intense desire to see my friends and family back home.
-I expect to sometimes have a desire to simply not do anything, and I know that it will be a battle at times to keep going.
-I expect to have to depend on God’s strength to get through each day.
-I expect to become family with the people, staff, and missionaries on this trip. 
-I expect to see God do miracles that I’ve never seen before.
-I expect God to use me in ways that will make me feel awkward at times!
-I expect to have to be called daily to the walk on the waters of the unknown!
-I expect to become so attached to the people were ministering to that when I leave, I’ll feel like I’m leaving a part of me there.
-Iexpect to grow a longing for God’s Kingdom, both here on earth and in heaven.
-I expect to fulfill the Great Commission and the signs that accompany those who believe (Mark 15:15-18).
-I expect there to be spiritual battles daily.
-I expect to have to fast and spend time in intense prayer for some of those battles.
-Overall, I expect God to blow all our expectations out of the water. I expect Him to do the impossible! Because, the impossible for us, is ordinary for Him!!!
I do have one prayer request. Right now I’m in the Dominican
Republic on a Missions trip/Family visit. If you guys don’t mind I’d
like you to pray that God would use me to impact the team that I’m
helping. Also, that He would use us to preach His word and reach the
lost communities of the barrios where we’re ministering. Well, got to
go get ready to evangalize with the team. 
Those are my expectations for the trip! If I have more along the way I’ll add them on later!
I expect to see you guys soon,

10 responses to “Expectations of My Mission Trip”

  1. And I expect to see a young man who is absolutely on fire for the Lord when you return home. I expect that you will be even more excited about what He has in store for you in the future. I expect that you will have clear direction as to where you should go to college/medical school. And I expect that we will be Christian brothers and good freinds for the rest of our lives as we grow closer to the Lord each day and as our friendship grows. God Bless You, Jon, I know God has great plans for you and I am excited to learn about them as they unfold in your life!

  2. I have typed so many things here, can’t seem to put them into words. I am many others will be here to pray for you.

  3. John,

    Love you brother and we are all praying for you. Thanks for letting us all be a part of what God is doing in your life. We miss you but are grateful for your service to Him! God bless you and the team you are with. See you soon!

  4. I expect God to mess you up… in the Name of Jesus! And, I know that’s what He’s going to do. Thank you Jon for follower God’s leading for your life, you are a unique and gifted young man. You haven’t even scratched the surface of your potential.

  5. Jon – Wow, what a list… In the middle of all of that I expect the Father in Heaven to be an ever-present help in times of trouble. I also expect you to have an overwhelming knowing of God’s Presence daily and for you to experience a peace that is far beyond what you can imagine. I expect your faith to grow and for you to become an Might Man of God Confident in the Calling and Ready to minister to the masses when the time comes. 🙂 I Love You, I Love You, I Love You…. Mom #2

  6. Hey Jon, el Señor está contigo y así seguirá todos los días. Eres un sobrino especial. He orado mucho por ti los últimos años y creo que este proceso es resultado de mis oraciones y las oraciones de otros. Sigue adelante mi sobri; sé que Dios abrirá grandes puertas para ti.
    Para mí es muy importante el verso que dice: Y he aquí estaré con vosotros TODOS los dias, hasta el fin del mundo. La certeza de que el Señor está conmigo me sostiene, y cuando vienen las dudas, entonces recuerdo esto.


  7. Wow! These are awesome expectations! I was inspired and challenged by some. Its clear to see you have a passion for Christ. Let your light shine bright!

  8. Que bien , me alegro muchisimo por ti jon :), se que has querido esto desde hace mucho tiempo. Que Dios te bendiga mucho en esta etapa de tu vida!
    Que el sea tu ayuda y tu sosten!

  9. johny, your trip to D.R. really change my relationship with God, realmente me iso comensar a pasar tiempo con Dios, aun atraves de esta carta puedo ver las cosas que Dios esta aciendo en tu vida y quiero que sepas que tu viaje a D.R. fue tecnicamente una de las cosas que Dios utiliso para llevarme a otro nivel de intimidad con el, gracias mi hermano, eres un granejemplo pa mi que Dios te bendiga y que cumpla y traspase tus expectativas.

  10. Jon,

    Oh how I admire your boldness, and your honesty going in to this new season. I am so proud and honored to call you friend, and know that you are covered in prayers…I can’t wait to see what the Lord does through you and for you.