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Thoughts & Inspiration

The saying “all good things must come to an end” rings in my ears as the clock works against me and the emotions of leaving rage within me. If there were anything I could cut out of life, it would definitely be the goodbyes! As we’ve started to say goodbyes, everyone tells us that the day we come is great; the day we leave is the worst. I remember when we first got here one of our ministry partners told me that the men here only cry when someone dies, and when the teams leave.

I don’t want to sound redundant about how I’m going to miss this place and these people or how this place has become like home to me, but it has, and it’s all I can seem to think about as tomorrow I have to say goodbye to all those that are now family.

If only I could scream “freeze!” and everything would stop. If for one second I could know what it means to live outside of time and not have to think about the present or worry about the future. I guess I’m wishing for eternity in heaven, the land of “hellos” and no more “goodbyes.”

I guess when it’s all said and done, it’s time to say goodbye, knowing that this day had to come. The only good thing about a goodbye is that on the other side of the world someone awaits us with open arms and a hello! And, again quote my sister JB in saying, “You’ll always miss someone somewhere around the world!”

This will be my last blog in Africa. I hate the thought of that because I’ve loved writing these every week! I hope you guys have enjoyed reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. I might keep blogging occasionally throughout my time of transition, and I’m sure I’ll have plenty of adventures this summer.

As God brings closure to this experience, and I look forward to what He has for the future, I want to end my last blog in Africa with a section from a letter our leader Tag gave us before we left Mexico.

“There is a lot wrong with the world, why don’t you do something about it”. If you listen to those words you will not be confused about the future for long. When you ask Him what His will for your future is I doubt you will get the response you want. I am unsure if He really cares if you are in Africa or Boston. And I don’t think it matters if you are in ministry or not. Chili’s or Harvard, whatever. “There is a lot wrong in the world, why don’t you do something about it”.

Peace out, from Africa!
